Each of the following summarizes the rules and options for a particular feature of the GURPS ruleset. These override any rules they conflict with from within the Basic Set.
- Exploration rules are on thier own page and have been greatly expanded.
- Rations & Foraging: Characters need to eat 3 meals/day. Skipping meals results in the loss of 1FP per meal skipped. These can only be recovered with a full day of rest (in a "comfortable" camp or town)
with sufficient food consumption.
Each full day of such resting can restore 3 FP lost to lack of food or rest.
- Pack rations for one day (3 meals) weighs 1.5lbs and cost $6
- A days water (2 quarts) weighs 4lbs and is free beyond cost of reusable container
- Foraging can add to party stores, but it can also take time away from travel based on the abundance of the area.See Nature's Bounty for all foraging rules. Foraging now includes rules for non-food foraging.
- Exploring the Wilderness presents many Dangers.
- Camping - daily camping is needed for rest and recovery. Without this rest, characters will begin to loose Fatigue Points. These can only be recovered with rest. Survival rolls at -2 penalty without group basics (B288) or Group Kit
- Camp Site: Survival for finding 'ideal' site. [3, 2, 1, 0]
- Comfort: Needed for FP recovery, -1 FP without (-2 in arctic/mountain/swamp)
- Concealment: helps avoid night vistors -1 to "visitors" Per based detects, +1 to party's Camo roll in the quick contest. Success grants watcher second detect roll.
- Lines of Sight: helps defend against night surprises. +1 to Watcher's detection roll. Sneaking visitors have -1 to stealth
- Shelter:
- Adequate shelter is needed for protection from the elements, lack of shelter has same effect as lack of comfort and stacks if both are true. Note: Tents and/or yurts count as shelter.
- Watches
- Watcher uses higher Perception or Observation.
- Lines of sight may provides bonuses or penalties
- Watch success - everyone gets to be awoken and not surprised.
- Else surprise and sleepers are making IQ rolls to wake.
Magic Restrictions for the Into the Eastlands Campaign are a work in progress. I'm pretty sure I've caught all the things I wanted to catch, but their are so many options I may need to add to this as we play. Please read this before learning any spell magic as there are several restrictions on spell list access.
Equipment Modifiers that exist for use in the campaign. These are pulled from many places, so it was easier to just compile this full list. If there is a modifier from a GURPS source book that you don't see on this list, and would like to, please bring it up on our Forum so it can be discussed
Both Signature Gear and Trading Points for Money give $500 per point instead of $100. Remember signature gear must be a single item or kit. Left over money is lost. For example 3 points in signature gear would a be needed for a steel corslet costing $1300. The 'extra' $200 is lost.
Getting Stuff Cheap has rules for using some skills and advantages to earn a little extra spending cash as well as save a little cash on buying equipment. As many of these options require dice rolls, they should probably be done during a gaming session.
Money Sinks:
- Equipment Damage:Equipment wears with usage but, in general, doesn't overly degrade with normal usage. In play mechanics, so long as equipment is routinely (minimally: at the end of a mission) maintained by a character with the appropriate maintenance skill (by making a successful armory and/or other repair skills roll), the equipment will suffer no loss. Critical failure in the use of a tool is the sole exception to this general rule. Critical failure may result in equipment becoming broken or destroyed. Broken equipment can be repaired during play with the correct skill given appropriate tools and materials or repaired for a fee upon return to Eastholm. Destroyed equipment is lost and must be repurchased.
- Cost of living: Rank and Status both affect the amount of money a character spends to maintain their cost of living. Independent Income can directly offset this cost. By default a character spends $200 a week to maintain themselves at the base level. A character with rank and/or status will need to spend more to maintain that status.
- Selling Loot: Unless all party members have the same wealth levels, the party must appraise and divide loot prior to sale to fairly account for various party wealth levels.
- Value: Coinage and most gems sell at set value by realm coinage and gem weights. Other loot sells at a percentage of its base value. The base value of ant item is determined by the lower of actual value and character appraised value. Coin and gems are divided evenly amongst all party members - wealth doesn't effect share size.
- Cash Share: Characters with disadvantage levels of wealth as assumed to 'waste' part of their share of cash loot. Dead Broke waste 50%, Poor waste 25% and Struggling characters waste 10% of their cash share.
- Exchange Rate: Wealth levels determine the rate of exchange rates for selling loot as shown in the table below. Characters can of course buy up their wealth level with earned character points in play.
Wealth Level |
Exchange |
Dead Broke |
0% |
Poor |
10% |
Struggling |
20% |
Average |
40% |
Comfortable |
60% |
Wealthy |
80% |
Very Wealthy |
100% |