Foraging can add to party stores, loot and medicine, but it can also take time away from travel based on the abundance of the area. All food, plant and animal rolls are affected by the terrain foraging modifers
- Food Bounties
- In terrains with a zero or positive foraging modifier, characters may make one Naturalist or one Survivalist roll per day top gather one meal, plus a daily hunting (Missle Weapon attack) or Fishing roll to gather two more. This happens within the normal travel time and doesn't slow the party. Critical successes double yield.
- In areas with negative foraging modifiers, foraging attempts reduce time for travel. Each attempt takes at least 1 hour. These rules also apply if the party wishes to spend time on actual foraging. Each forager can make one gathering roll and one Fishing, Hunting or Trapping check in the 1 hour as detailed below. As above Critical success doubles yields. A critcal failure
- Gathering (Survival, Naturalist -2, Per -5) - Success 1/2 meal + 1/2 meal per point of success. Critical Success also finds a 'reoccurring' food resource. Critical Failure destroys resource.
- Fishing (Uses Fishing, Survival-2, Per-4) - Success 1/2 meal + 1/2 meal per point of success. Critical Failure, no more fishing in area for 1 day.
- Hunting (Any ranged-weapon skill at -4 + Acc) Success 2 meals + 1/2 meal per point of success. Critical Failure, no more hunting in area for 1d days.
- Trapping (Survival, Per-5, Traps-5) - Take 1 hour to set traps (string of 10 small or one large) and traps must be left for at least 4 hours. Two rolls are made: One for chooseing location/setting traps and one for the trapping itself.
- Small Game: Success 2 meals + 2d-2 meals. Critical Failure, trap material broken/destroyed.
- Big Game: Success 10 meals + 2 meals per point of success. Critical Failure, trap material broken/destroyed.
- Herbal Medicine
- Antidotes: Pharmacy (Herbal) roll to find an antidote for a known poison (Known with Naturalist or Poisons). Time modifiers apply, too: +4 for a day spent not traveling at all, +3 for eight hours’ work, +2 for four, +1 for two, 0 for an hour, -5 for half an hour, and -10 for an instant “Why look, that’s the exact herb I need!” A use of Serendipity allows an instant roll with no haste penalty. When treating poison from a local plant or beast, there will be something local to counteract it: giving +2 to Pharmacy.
- Diseases and Parasites: For a local disease or indigenous parasites Naturalist can replace Diagnosis to determine whether the condition counts as “known” and reveal a local cure. Problem treatable with Pharmacy (Herbal) instead of Cure Disease for sickness or Surgery for grubs. Otherwise, use rules above for Antidotes.
- Nature Provides: Herb Lore roll before trying an Esoteric Medicine (Druidic) roll to restore HP or treat a supernatural affliction. Critical success on Herb Lore grants +2 to Esoteric Medicine; success, +1; failure, -1; and critical failure, -2. These modifiers replace the +1 for a healer's kit.
- Boil and Bubble: Spending 8 hours to use Herb Lore to create one stable item. These 'bush-potions' can't be sold in town. Roll is modified by foraging modifiers, plus the moidifier listed below:
- -1 for a repellent equivalent to garlic or wolfsbane, or an anti-toxin for a specific poison (4 hours for -5)
- -2 for a +1 healer’s kit for Esoteric Medicine (Druidic) as above (4 Hours for -5)
- -3 for a minor healing potion
- -4 for a +2 healer’s kit for Esoteric Medicine (Druidic) as above (4 Hours for -5)
- -7 for a major healing potion
- -15 for a universal antidote
- -18 for a balm of regeneration
- -20 for a great healing potion
- Other Non-Food Bounties.. or Naturally Occuring Loot - Use
Merchant to estimate loot value.
- Animal Products
- Fur/Horn/Claw - Naturalist to recognize part as valuable, then Survival to remove. Removal failure destroys part.
- Internal parts - Naturalist to recognize part as valuable, suitable Physiology to find part, Surgery to remove. Removal failure destroys part.
- Magical Parts - Thaumatology to recognize and find, Surgery to remove. Failure on either roll destorys part.
- Poisons - Poisons or Naturalist to recognize poison. DX-based Poisons to milk toxin. Failure to milk destroys poison; Critical failure poisons milker.
- Per-based Naturalist to spot dropped feathers, eggs and other 'valuable' items animals might drop in passing/nesting.
- Plant/Fungal Products
- Mundane: Per-based Naturalist to recognize dyes, wood, fibers, resins and spices of value. Harvest rolls depend on resource but are generally DX-based. Critical success finds a 'reoccurring' resource. Failure destroys harvested material, critical failure detroys resource.
- Magical: Per-based Alchemy, Herb Lore or Thaumatology, with extraction being a DX-based roll on same skill. Critical success finds a 'reoccurring' resource. Failure destroys harvested material, critical failure detroys resource.
- Poisonous - Poisons or Naturalist to recognize poisonous plant/fungus. DX-based Poisons to Harvest. To turn harvestable into a blade-poison, make Poisons roll with the following modifiers:
- Terrain Foraging modifier
- Toxic Damage: +0 for 2, -1 for 1d, -2 for 1d+1, -3 for 1d+2, -4 for 2d-1, or -5 for 2d.
- Resistance Roll: 0 to -5 Penalty equal to the HT roll modifier. Additional -2 if success only halves damage instead of eliminating it.
- Doses: 0 for one, -1 for two, -2 for four, -3 for eight, -4 for sixteen doses.
- Preparation Time: 0 for an hour, +1 for two hours, +2 for four hours, +3 for eight hours and +4 for twelve hours.
- Minerals
- Mundane: Per-based Prospecting to find/recognize. DX-based Prospecting to mine. Failure ruins/lowers value of harvested material. Critical failure destroys harvested material and some of remaining resource.
- Magical: Per-based Alchemy or Thaumatology to find/recognize. DX-based Prospecting to mine. Failure ruins/lowers value of harvested material. Critical failure destroys harvested material and some of remaining resource.