Wilderness exlporations involves many dangers. NPCs and various creatures are only some of the dangers. Often the danger is from Nature herself. Other times the dangers are created by other creatures.
- Obstacles
- Abyss - Climbing, Jumping ,Acrobatics
- Drop or Rise - Climbing
- Volcano - Climbing
- Fire as below
- Lava Flow as Flow below but with Fire effect too.
- Water - Boating, Swimming
- Stinging Plants - Per-based Herb Lore or Naturalist to sense and avoid. Roll vs. HT at up to -5. Failure: sneezing, moderate pain for the rest of the day, penalizing many vital rolls; failure by 5+ or critical failure adds an allergic reaction for 1d HP of injury. This hazard counts as poison: Resistant to Poison aids the HT roll, Neutralize Poison cures afflictions, and so on.
- Disasters
- Falling Rocks - (1) ahead allows Dodge, (2-3) side allows Dodge-2, (3-4) above allows Dodge-2, (6) behind allows no Dodge. Damage: 1d to determine from 1d to 6d damage. Shields allow DB for ahead and above only.
- Falling Tree - Per-based Naturalist or Survival allow for full Dodge; otherwise Dodge at -2. Damage: 1d to determine from 1d to 6d damage.
- Fire - Per-based Naturalist or a suitable Survival specialty. Any success in the group means they lose 20% travel speed that day as they avoid the danger. Failure indicates last-minute discovery: -20% travel speed, anyone who breathes inhales smoke for 1d-3 HP of injury, and all vision-based efforts (Observation, Tracking, etc.) are at -4. Critical failure means being overtaken by fire and fleeing – treat as failure, but add 1d burning damage and, in woodlands, check for falling trees (above). Traversing fire is a death sentence for those who aren’t immune to inhaled poison and have less than DR 6 vs. fire (or a Resist Fire spell). Heroes with such abilities can avoid lost progress and fire-related damage, but automatically suffer visibility penalties and the risk of falling trees.
- Flow - Moving snow (avalanche), mud (mudflow), or rocks (rockslide) may strike in or adjacent to hilly areas or mountain terrain. Whenever adventurers are in range of such a peril, they get a Per-based Prospecting or Survival (Mountain) roll to realize it, with success meaning they may sacrifice 20% travel speed that day to avoid the risk – If anyone uses skills or spells to cause a loud racket, make an extra check for this calamity.
A flow striking the party affects everyone. Those who make DX-based Prospecting or Survival (Mountains) rolls find cover. Everybody else is damaged as for falling rocks (above) and buried until they or a friend wins a Quick Contest of ST vs. this damage roll.
Lava flows are similar, but weather and noise won’t trigger them, victims who don’t reach cover are grilled instead of buried (change “falling rocks” for 1d to 6d cr to “lava” for 1d to 6d burn), and those who critically fail end up in lava (8d+2 burning per second until rescued).
Halve the group’s daily progress on a day in which they’re
hit by any kind of flow.
- Lightning Strike - Possible In flat terrain or up high. Handle this like being zapped by a Lightning spell for 6d burning damage. A Per-based Naturalist or Weather Sense roll detects soon enough to try Dodge, at -2 for attack from above and optionally +3 for diving for cover (if any); otherwise, there’s no defense.
- Quicksand - Possible anywhere with loose soil and water. Survival (Island/Beach, Jungle, or Swamp), with failure meaning stepping in it and critical failure causing the next roll to fail automatically. Once in, roll vs. Swimming (or HT-4) every second, at double encumbrance penalties. Any success lets him flop to safety. Each failure costs 1 FP – and at 0 FP, each FP costs 1 HP. Rescuers must win a Quick Contest of their highest ST plus (others’ total ST)/5 against twice the victim’s ST to pull him out. Rescue attempts take one second apiece. The rescuee decides whether to cooperate or attempt Swimming – he can’t do both.
- Sinkhole - Possible anywhere but in rock-solid mountain terrain. A successful Per-based Prospecting roll or Survival roll for the terrain spots and avoid such danger. Falling damage for 1d yards(or more). DF2:19
- Stampede - A herd of herbivores gets spooked (often by fire) and comes charging. Per-based roll against Naturalist, suitable Animal Handling, or Survival (Plains) gives time to try Climbing, magic spells, etc. to move out of harm’s way. Each person gets one try, and failure (at warning or evasion) means facing 1d slams or tramples.
A successful Dodge roll avoids one collision plus impacts equal to margin of success. Delvers can exploit Acrobatics for +2, though neither retreating nor shield DB helps. Damage per hit is 1d cr for small deer, 2d to 3d cr for typical critters, and 4d cr for elephants sized ones.
- Tricks
- Detour into a Disaster - IQ-based Tracking at moment of detour opposed by trickster.
- Traps
- Detecting - Per-based Traps vs trapper's Camouflage. Detection roll modified by acute vision and darkness penalties.
- Circumventing - DX or Jumping or Acrobatics to circumvent trigger if necessary.
- Disarm - DX-based Traps modified for High Manual Dexterity.
- Evade -Dodge-2 if possible. Danger Sense removes penalty
- Types:
- Bow Evade - Hearing-2 allows
- Covered Pit: No Evade
- Deadfalls: SM modifies detect rolls.
- Spiked Branch
- Sping Snare: No Evade
- Ambushes
- Detecting:
- Moving Ambush -> Higher of Hearing or Vision vs Stealth
- May substitute Observation
- Discriminatory Smell allows Smell at +4
- Static Ambush -> Vision vs Camouflage
- May substitute Observation
- Discriminatory Smell allows Smell at +4
- Quick contest - record margin of success/failure.
- Attackers Win - commence attack down to (15 - margin) and get one free turn with no active defenses for prey.
- Attackers Lose - attackers detected at (15 + margin) and no surprise.
- Surprise
- Mental stunned prey - IQ rolls (+1 each success turn, +6 for combat reflexes)
- Mental stunned prey defends at -4
- Leadership Skill
- Once recovered from stun, make immediate check. Success or critical success gives +1 or +2 respectively on future teammates recovery rolls.
- Danger Sense - get Per roll if loose quick contest. Success get active defenses during surprise round and no mental stun after surprise round. Critical success lets them alert team - allows team to defend at -4 during surprise and +1 to recover from stun.