Weather and Climate
- Harsh Climate
- Daily HT with FP loss equal to margin of failure. Roll takes modifiers listed below
- Cold -5 for inadequate clothing to +5 for precisely the right clothing. -1 to -5 for temperature extremes. Survival (Arctic) allows HT-Based skill roll instead of normal HT roll. Warmth spell gives +3, Resist Cold waives the roll completely.
- Heat Penalty equal to encumberance level. -1 to -5 for temperature/humidity extremes. Survival (Desert or Jungle) allows HT-Based skill roll instead of normal HT roll. Coolness spell gives +3, Resist Fire waives the roll completely.
- Suitable Temperature Tolerance gives HT bonus equal to advantage level.
- Fur get thier bonus vs cold.
- Weather
- Perfect: The wind is at the travelers’ back and the terrain’s usual hell abates. Add 10% to travel speed. All Survival and Tracking rolls that day are at +1.
- Passable: As bad or as fair as usual for the terrain. No effect on travel speed or skills.
- Bad: Any rain or snow in most terrain, extra rain in jungle, bonus snow in arctic, sandstorms in desert, etc. Subtract 50% from travel speed. Survival and Tracking rolls that day are at -1.
- Dire: As above, but the gods hate you. Subtract 75% from travel speed. Survival and Tracking rolls that day are at -2.
- Changing the Weather:
- Anyone in the party may use Luck to make the GM reroll the day’s weather. Someone with Serendipity can expend a use to get perfect weather for a day.
- The Weather spell Storm can be cast raise Dire to Bad or Bad to Passable.
- Weather Sense can be used to avoid/skirt weather. It effects like storm but can also raise Passable to Perfect. Failure predicts wrong weather and results in lowering weather one level and wastes time.
- Predict Weather can be used like Weather Sense above but failure just wastes FP.