Mission Board
- Exploration -
- The Army is paying $2000 for each fully explored hex within 10 hexes of the end of the eastern pass.
- Exploration out past the original 10 hex boundry is currently set to payout at a rate $1000 per hex explored.
- Bonus stipends for resources and special features found outside the military boundry (50 miles from Eastgate) are open to negotiation as the party will be mostly unsupported in securing those resources.
- Finding, Clearing and Securing a hex for an additional guard post tower. The Army needs two of these, approximately 5-15 hexes from the pass to the north and south. They are willing to pay $5000 for each location.
- The first tower is settling in and the Army is esablishing a perimeter along the ridge line. The ecellent fews to the southeast make up for the relativly close distance from Eastgate to the tower.
- Mapping - The Army is willing to pay for maps of the regions you’ve explored. Maps are drawn with the Cartography skill. Map value is based on three separate factors: Cartographic Skill, Merchant Skill of Seller & Merchant skill of buyer.
- Livestock and draft animals - The town is willing to pay weight in silver for matable pairs of livestock and/or draft animals.
- Horses - The Army has a standing order for horses. They are authorized to pay 150% value for the first dozen.
- Fodder - The farmers of Eastholm are having a problem, yield of the initial harvests were as expected. While the valley seems fetile enough, the plants just aren't thriving as they should.